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vacuum sealers
The vacuum sealers are a really suitable home item for preserving the freshness, flavour and nutrients of food.
It is a process whereby air is removed from a storage bag or container for protecting food from the noxious effects of contact with oxygen, therefore keeping your food fresher longer, while storing it naturally.
These five models, can satisfy "domestic" requirements (Classic, Genius, Vuotarella, Ariel) and also a more intense use or professional requirements (stores, supermarkets, etc.).
vacuum sealer mod. REVERSE, MAGIC VAC, FLAEM NUOVA
vacuum sealer
€ 82,00

+ shipping charges

supplied with : 5 ready cut bags cm 20x30

dimens. (cm.):38x15x8 h
weight: kg. 1,500

vacuum sealer
€ 100,00
+ shipping charges

supplied with :20 ready cut bags cm 20 x 30

- weight: kg. 3,150

vacuum sealer mod. Ariel - manufacture Facem Tre Spade
vacuum sealer
€ 156,00

+ shipping charges
mod. ARIEL

supplied with : 10 pre-cut bags cm. 25x35

weight:kg. 3,200
pre-cut bags and bags roll - Magic Vacbags
50/100 ready pre-cut bags
bags rolls

2 rolls package
- pre-cut bags cm. 30x40
N°50 (each package)
- pre-cut bags cm. 20x30
N° 100 (each package)
- bags rolls cm.20 x 6mt. (each)
- bags rolls cm.30 x 6mt. (each)