shopping online of winemaking equipments - various items

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Three models belonging to a series of centrifugal and self-priming
motorpumps. They can satisfy the requirements in several agricultural fields
(irrigation, perfusion, etc.).
The capacity* of these motorpumps, with 2 stroke internal combustion engine,
can vary from 115 to 850 litres/min (considering a head of 5 meters).
The displacement of motors vary from 25 to 115 cmc.
* in terms of delivery
self-priming motorpump
mod. CM 46/1A
- suction and delivery:
- motor : 2 stroke engine - 48 cmc
- weight: 9,200 KG
centrifugal motorpump
mod. CM 46/1
- suction and delivery:
- motor : 2 stroke engine - 46,47 cmc
- weight: 8,800 KG
centrifugal motorpump
mod. CM 46/2
- suction and delivery:
- motor : 2 stroke engine - 46,47 cmc
- weight: 8,800 KG