electric mill
home > electric mills > electric mill mod. BRAVO' 4V
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technical features
mod. BRAVO' 4V
code EM4

manufacture NOVITAL

- Electric mill for grinding cereals as maize, oat, barley, rye, etc .etc.
The mill has a innovative dust cover container for the grinded product (the white container with blue handle).
It is provided with a thermic device for an outage in case of electrical overload and a safety device to protect any contact with the blades.
the assembling of this mill is extremely simple.

- hopper 44x40 cm;
- overall dimensions: 65x62x100h
- motor power - 1 HP (900 Watt)
- weight: 13,500 KG
- hourly production*: for instance >> MAIZE
from 50 kg/h (4 mm sieve) to maximum 230 kg/h (8 mm sieve)
* the values of production depend by the kind of cereals and its humidity.

accessories: n° 3 sieves
(holes diameter (mm) : 4 - 6 - 8)


€ 311,00

VAT inclusive


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